Leave your Mark! OGHS Brick Fundraiser Now Under Way! Want to leave your mark and help leave a lasting legacy at OGHS? Buy a brick that will be placed at the entrance of the OGHS Stadium and show your "Grizzly Pride!" Click for more information.
OGHS Student Parking Pass Registration Form Please complete the Parking Pass Registration form for the 2024-2025 School Year. Once you complete the form, please visit SchoolCashOnline to pay.
6th Grade Athletic Participation Survey We value your input and invite you to share your thoughts by completing this brief survey.
OGHS Registration Night - Monday Feb. 3rd OGHS will host Registration Night Monday, February 3rd from 6-8pm
Remote Learning Resources for Parents and Students This page has resources for parents and students for Remote Learning
Chromebook Device Agreements OGHS Students will be assigned Chromebooks for the 2024-2025 School Year. Help us prepare for distribution by completing the Chromebook Agreement Form and having it ready to return on the First Day of School.
OGHS Visual Arts Exhibition OGHS Visual Art Students have won over 30 awards since 2017. Check out some of this year's amazing pieces by OGHS students.
OGHS Homecoming Dance Tickets Now on Sale Parents: Please complete the online permission form here and pay for tickets through SchoolCash Online.